Thursday, September 10, 2015

1 Tip on Breaking Down Old Mind Barriers

Many people are scared and distrustful toward others so they lash out verbally or physically at others. They do it either subtly by bullying, harassment, intimidation, and teasing or overtly by physical harm. 

Prejudice and meanest is prevalent throughout our society and in all age groups particularly children. Fear is very prevalent in our society.

What if you were the brunt of some of lashing out? What is the take away? Anger, bitterness, hurt and resentment and feelings of being wronged.

If you hold onto past wrong or hurtful feelings either against yourself or others then you are probably are stuck in your past. Even though subconscious and out of your awareness. One of the most damaging feelings you hold on to that will block your growth or success is resentments. For the most part you are not even aware of the baggage that you carry because the material is not part of your consciousness.


Are you holding onto wrongs done to you by another and can’t seem to let them go? Have other people taken advantage of you? Do you feel cheated, betrayed, humiliated or hurt you in some way by another or maybe even yourself? Then of course you are. 

It is a normal course for time to time as you grow up to be cheated, betrayed, humiliated, hurt or wronged and wanting some type of repayment, get even or revenge. Doing so is called a resentment. 

A resentment is one of the most personally damaging feelings or thoughts you can hold onto and carry. A resentment can actually stunt your maturity, and your ability to be happy, successful or move forward with your life. Resentments held can be a huge barrier to accomplish what you want out of life. 

Definition of resentment

A resentments is defined as ill will, ill feelings or thoughts that forms when you are wronged by self, someone or something that you hold onto feelings of hurt and store subconsciously as a result of life experiences that are real or imagined. These wrongs are formed as a reaction to a life event where you perceived to have wronged someone or self and/or think someone has wronged us in one way or another. The power of a resentment is the emotional charge that is held onto that the “wrong” evoked.

Held onto resentments can cause many intense, reactive emotions such as anger, depression, doubt, disappointment, fear, panic, rage and / or regret which remains alive over time in the subconscious without your personal awareness in the present. Resentments have a very strong influence and direct how you relate to yourself; how we think about others and most of all resentments manifest themselves in your behavior and emotions. These ill will, ill feelings, and/or ill thoughts affect the way you perform daily without your knowledge. Thoughts such as: “I do not deserve anything because of what I have done” or “I am nothing because what was done to me.” This type of thinking form negative believe about yourself over time and eventually become a subconscious barrier to your accepting good things, happiness and success. 

1 Fast Tip on How to Stop Old Resentments from being Barriers

First you must allow yourself to search your mind for all the ill will of wrongs done you thought were done to you in your life no matter how minor. It is then that you can identify how these wrongs have kept you from moving forward in your life.  And then focus of the value of holding onto the wrongs against the feeling to punish yourself for letting them happen. Write down the resentments that you want to release and burn the list and let the smoke rise into the air. While the smoke goes upward visualize your body becoming unburdened and free. The benefit will generate new empowerment in your core being. This resurgence of personal power will add character and confidence as well as quality and substance to your life. Success happens when you invest and nurture you. 


I am willing to bet that if you are reading this article, you already have a strong suspicion that you are carrying old resentments. If you said “yes” so much of was stated above is true for you, so you need to begin to free yourself for all your old resentment baggage. 
So take ownership of yourself by investing in who you are at this moment. You can't be affected by something that you are not holding onto.  Make the positive change.  

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